Sunday, 29 July 2007

Yesterday PT and Gloria (Glenda's rather efficient, portable satnav friend) took us to Watts Towers. The last few times we've been there it has been closed, but this time we did 'the tour'. It is lovely. There was one very nice story about Sam Rodia, who spent 30 years building the towers as a place to live - and then gave them away and moved on. Someone showed him pictures of the Goudi Cathedral and he said "Nice building. Did he have lots of people to help him build it?" When he was told that he did, he said "I prefer to build my towers by myself"! Apparently the only help he ever had was from kids who brought him broken plates and bottles to use!

It has become time to confess that we are having excellent weather. Not too hot by the sea. About 75 degrees. Today we are going to wander down to the farmers market behind Main Street in Santa Monica. As you will notice, we seem to be doing a lot of walking. This is because our car is parked several blocks from the apartment. So sometimes it just isn't worth collecting it. if we have lots of stuff to deliver, there is a car park just beside the building, but you can only use it for a few minutes and it is usually pretty full - requiring reversing, which is all rather dodgy.